The Task Force has been organising inter-agency training to its member organisations for over 15 years. In this time inter0agancy training has not only been very useful in enhancing the skills of local professionals but it has also contributed to building strong inter-agency bonds that promotes greater collaborations across services.
Motivational Interviewing (MI): is an approach that guides and strengthens motivation to change. It is recognised as being useful to those who work with people with problem behaviours (substance use, gambling, smoking, nutrition, weight change and health, lifestyle related problems). We organise the delivery of Motivational Interviewing (MI) Training annually.
HSE SAOR II Screening and Brief Intervention for Problem Alcohol and Substance Use Training Programme (SAOR II): The HSE SAOR ll Training is a well-established blended learning programme on brief intervention for problematic alcohol and/or substance use. The training pre-covid19 was delivered in a blended format, with an E-learning theoretical segment followed by one day face to face skills training session for all participants. It has now been adapted to an online format. The TF Health Promotion Worker is a trained facilitator of this programme.